Best Comebacks When Someone Calls You Ugly

Being called ugly can hurt, especially when it’s meant to put you down. No one likes being insulted, but instead of letting it bother you, why not hit back with a clever response? When someone throws shade at you, having a solid comeback can shut them up fast. Here are some of the best comebacks for when someone calls you ugly—funny, savage, and guaranteed to leave them speechless!
What To Say When Someone Calls You Ugly
- Funny, my mirror said the same thing about you this morning.
- I may be ugly, but at least I don’t have a personality to match.
- I could change my looks, but you’ll always be stuck with that personality.
- You’re proof that mirrors can have bad days too.
- I wasn’t born to impress you—thankfully, I have better goals in life.
- You’re calling me ugly? That’s funny, coming from someone who looks like the picture before.
- If I had a dollar for every time someone as irrelevant as you insulted me, I’d be rich.
- I could use a filter, but you need a whole upgrade
- “Wow, a face like mine and still living rent-free in your head?”
- If my style bothers you, maybe try getting one of your own.”
- A mirror might show my face, but it sure as hell reflects your insecurity.”
- Better check your eyes, because ugly isn’t in my vision.”
- Skin deep beauty? Nah, I prefer character-deep greatness.”
- Looks fade, but personality sticks. Too bad yours isn’t worth much.”
- Color me unimpressed by your basic insult.”
- Even your pet wouldn’t agree with you.”
- Insults don’t work when they come from irrelevant sources.”
- Value isn’t measured in appearance, but I see you struggling to prove otherwise.”
- Call me ugly all you want—my worth isn’t written on my face
- Good thing ‘ugly’ isn’t contagious—you’d have wiped out the whole school by now.”
- I’d call you wrong, but your face already does that for you.”
- Good thing beauty fades. You’re ahead of the curve!”
- At least I can fix my face. Your vibe? Incurable.”
- Guess I finally broke that mirror everyone talks about.”
- Lucky for me, I don’t need your approval to exist.”
- Your standards must be really high… or your eyesight is really bad.”
- Beauty is subjective. Unfortunately, so is intelligence.”
- Yet, here you are, still looking at me.”
- And still pulling more attention than you.”
- Insults from people with bad taste don’t count.”
- If I’m ugly, what does that make the person talking to me?”
- Aww, you tried to hurt my feelings. Cute effort.
- You say ugly, I say unique. Who’s really winning here?”
- Even a Picasso painting looks weird to people with no taste.”
- Your opinion means so much to me—said no one ever.”
- Judging by your face, I’ll take that as a compliment.”
- Ah, the classic ‘I have no personality’ insult.”
- So original. Do you write your own jokes or steal them from a cereal box?”
- Damn, that mirror at home must really be doing you dirty.”
- If ugly means not looking like you, I’ll take it.”
- Good thing I wasn’t trying to impress you.”
- Yet, here you are, still talking to me. Interesting.”
- Oh no! How will I ever recover from an insult from a guy with questionable taste?”
- Hearing that from someone who peaked in middle school is hilarious.”
- Thank you for your unwanted opinion, now run along.”
Comebacks When A Girl Calls You Ugly

- Ugly? That’s bold coming from someone who wears five layers of makeup.
- Beauty isn’t just about appearance—too bad you missed the memo.
- Your personality is proof that being pretty isn’t everything.
- A unique face like mine? Call it an exclusive edition.
- Lipstick can’t fix a bad attitude, but you keep trying.
- Judging others won’t make your outfit look any better.
- Shut up, I may not be everyone’s type, but at least I’m not boring.
- If ugly had a dress code, you’d be overdressed.
- Shoes say a lot about a person—yours scream ‘basic.’
- Filters can’t fix a personality, but keep using them anyway.
- I’d be worried if I wanted fashion advice from someone with no style.
- Thanks for your beauty critique, but I didn’t ask Sephora’s clearance section.
- Must suck knowing this ‘ugly’ face still gets more attention than yours.
- Insecurity isn’t a good look, but you do wear it well.
- I didn’t realize we were comparing mirrors today.
- Your words are as useful as a screen door on a submarine.
- Confidence is attractive. Try some.
- At least I don’t need filters to feel cute.
- And yet, your insults still lack creativity.
- Imagine thinking beauty comes from your mouth instead of your heart.
- Oops, just dropped my concern for what you think.
Comebacks When A Guy Calls You Ugly Jokingly

- And yet you’re still single. Weird, right?
- You call me ugly, but your taste in women says otherwise.
- Your beard isn’t distracting anyone from… this.
- Don’t worry—I’ll pray your future kids get their looks from their mom.
- Your voice just cracked. Let’s focus on your bigger issues.
- You’re right. I’m not your type—I have standards.
- Funny, the garbage called you ‘irrelevant’ earlier.
- Good thing I wasn’t trying to impress you.
- Yet, here you are, still talking to me. Interesting.
- Oh no! How will I ever recover from an insult from a guy with questionable taste?
- I could date an ugly guy, but I’d never date one with your attitude.
- You call me ugly, but your last girlfriend looked like a thumb.
- You must be blind, and I feel bad for you, honestly.
- Hearing that from someone who peaked in middle school is hilarious.”
- Your type? I’d rather be ugly than that.
- Thank you for your unwanted opinion, now run along.
- Must suck knowing your personality isn’t winning anyone over either.
- Ah, a man who thinks his looks are currency. Yikes.
- Shhh… let’s pretend your opinion matters for a second. Okay, done.
- Oh no, I’ve lost the approval of a guy who thinks hoodies and cargo shorts are fashion.
- I’d insult you back, but I don’t hit below my level.
- Wow, did you come up with that one all by yourself?
- If I’m ugly, then why are you still talking to me?
- That’s funny, because your type always seems to like me.
- You’re lucky I have a good sense of humor, unlike your face.
- Oh, so we’re playing ‘who can lie the hardest’ now?
- You must be a magician, because that joke disappeared real fast.
- I didn’t know bad eyesight was contagious.
Savage Reply When Someone Calls You Ugly

- Your opinion matters so much to me… said no one ever.”
- You’re so obsessed with my looks. Should I start charging you for staring?
- If ugly was a sport, you’d have a gold medal by now.
- I could insult you back, but nature already did the job.
- I’d take you seriously, but I don’t listen to clowns without makeup.
- If being rude made you cute, you’d still be struggling.
- Your face makes onions cry, and you’re worried about me?
- Sorry, I didn’t realize I was speaking to the CEO of Beauty Standards.
- Jealousy isn’t a good look on you—then again, neither is anything else.
Funny Comebacks For You're Ugly

- Damn, and here I was thinking I’d be on the next Vogue cover.
- I know, right? I’ve been trying to get uglier, but I just keep failing!
- Wow, groundbreaking observation! What’s next, water is wet?
- At least I don’t scare small children—can’t say the same for you.
- Ugly? That’s funny, because my mirror still works just fine.
- You should be a detective with those incredible skills of stating the obvious.
- Oh no, what will I do without your approval? Oh wait—literally nothing.
- It’s crazy how much time you spend thinking about me. You sure you’re not in love?
- If ugly means not looking like you, I’ll take it as a compliment.
- I’d rather be ugly than have your personality, so I think I’m winning.
Savage Reply When Someone Insults You

- Oh wow, another insult! Must have taken you all night to come up with that one.
- Your words are like expired milk—nobody wants them, and they stink.
- You remind me of a cloud—full of hot air and completely useless.
- If I cared about your opinion, I’d ask… but I won’t.
- I’d call you smart, but lying isn’t my thing.
- If you were half as good-looking as you are annoying, you’d be a model.
- I’d roast you harder, but I don’t want to hurt your last two brain cells.
- Your insults are like a bad joke—no one’s laughing.
If Someone Calls You Ugly, Are They Jealous?

Most of the time, when someone calls you ugly, it has nothing to do with your looks and everything to do with their own insecurities. People who feel confident and happy with themselves don’t go around insulting others. If someone is putting you down, they might be jealous of something about you—your confidence, personality, or even the way others like you.
Sometimes, people project their own self-doubts onto others, hoping to make themselves feel better. Other times, they just want a reaction. Either way, their words say more about them than they do about you. Instead of letting it get to you, remember that real beauty isn’t just about looks—it’s about how you carry yourself. Stay confident, and don’t give them the satisfaction of bringing you down.
Short Comebacks

- Cool story
- You done?
- K
- Try again
- So
- Move along
- Next
- Cute
- Wow, groundbreaking
- Noted
- Blink twice if you need attention
- I’m not a mirror.
- Aw, did your brain take the day off?
Being insulted isn’t fun, but a good comeback can turn the situation around. When someone calls you ugly, they’re usually just trying to bring you down—but you don’t have to let them. Hit them with one of these comebacks and watch how fast they run out of things to say!
FAQs: How to Handle Being Called Ugly
How to reply if someone calls you ugly?
You can respond with confidence and humor. Try saying, “Oh no, I didn’t realize my self-worth depended on your opinion!”
When someone says you are ugly quotes?
A great response is, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder—too bad your vision is terrible.”
What does it mean when a person calls you ugly?
It often means they are insecure, jealous, or just trying to get a reaction. Their words don’t define you—your confidence does.
What do you do when your crush calls you ugly?
Stay confident and don’t let it shake you. You can joke, “Good thing I wasn’t trying to impress you!” or just move on because their opinion doesn’t determine your worth.
When someone says I'm ugly?
You can ignore them or respond with a witty comeback like, “At least I have a great personality—what’s your excuse?”
How do you respond to the insult?
You can clap back with humor, stay unbothered, or simply walk away. A great comeback is, “I could argue, but I don’t fight unarmed opponents.